
  • Super User
  • 日期:2006-04-26
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按照“香港理工大学电子计算学系”与“网上学府”的规定,“软件科技理学硕士”项目的学生选修中科院面授课,在进行“学分转移”时只转移学分,作为计算获得学位要求的学分,不附带成绩及所对应的grade值。中科院面授课的成绩不参加 GPA 的计算。学生最终的GPA值,仅计算选修香港理工大学网上学府课程的成绩。
5.2.3   Award Classification
The Grade Point Average (GPA) will be used as a guide to determine the award classifications.  The GPA will be calculated as follows :
                   Subject Grade Point x Subject Credit Value
     GPA =              n                                       
                          Subject Credit Value
where n = number of all subjects taken by the student up to and including the latest semester, inclusive of failed subjects. Unless the failed subjects have been overrode by retake successfully.
The maximum GPA is 4.0.
Exempted, un-graded or incomplete subjects, and subjects for which credit transfer have been approved without a grade assigned to it, will be excluded from the GPA calculation. In addition, subjects for which a student has been allowed to withdraw from (i.e. those with the grade `W') will be excluded.  A subject which has been given an “S” subject code (ie. absent from examination), will be included in the GPA calculation and will be counted as “zero” grade point.  The GPA is therefore the un-weighted cumulative average, calculated for all subjects, including failed subjects, taken by a student from the start of the programme to a particular reference point in time.  GPA is an indicator of overall performance.
学分转移的规定 (请看红字段落):
Regulations extracted from the Faculty of Engineering 88004 Handbook)
The grades achieved in subjects taken as part of a PolyU postgraduate award for which credit transfer is approved will contribute towards the students' Grade Point Average (GPA).
Grades achieved for postgraduate study which was not part of a PolyU programme will not contribute towards the students' GPA (credit transfer without the grade carried). The credits transferred will count towards the credit requirement for the award.  All credit transfers approved will take effect only in the semester for which they are approved.
A student who applies for transfer of credits during the re-enrolment or add/drop period for a particular
semester will only be eligible for graduation at the end of that semester, even if the granting of the credit transfer will immediately enable the student to satisfy the total credit requirement for the award.
 即学分转移科目只能转移学分,作为计算修满该课程要求的所需学分,但不附带等级。也不会包括在 GPA 的计算之内。